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How you can practice self-compassion

By Stacey Winter, LCMFT, empac CEO There is a story that all too often plays in your head. It plays over and over, causing you to be down, distracted, and stressed.  “I should have spoken up in that meeting.”   “I should have called her when her mom died.”   “Why did I lose my temper with my kids and husband tonight?”  “I didn’t get the report done on time, and my boss is already irritated. I probably just got myself fired. I can’t do anything right.” It may be embarrassing to admit the things we say to ourselves and say [...]

Collaboration in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

By Natasha Santiago-Mason, EAP Staff Intern In a time where employee retention aligns with creating healthy, holistic work environments, organizations and companies are looking to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) to assist in creating a workplace where employees thrive.  Your company or organization may be working on DEIB efforts – whether you are just beginning the discussion or you have implemented your unique DEIB statement, formed a committee, and are engaged in the 5th year of your strategic plan. But if you’re like many organizations, you’re just beginning and may not understand the meaning of these words and [...]

Create More Meaningful Connections with Others

By Dabria VanGieson In the last few years, several factors seem to have played into our ability, or rather inability, to connect with each other in an empathetic, genuine manner. These factors include the pandemic, social injustice, as well as the political environment. In a time where everything seems to be divisive, it is so important to focus on genuinely and empathetically connecting with others. One of the simplest ways to connect with others is by asking questions that lead to discussions as opposed to one-word answers. Many of us are programmed to check in with others with [...]

Successfully Navigate Another Season of Change

By Lea Aunins, LMSW, Account Manager It seems that life is filled with constant changes. Are your kiddos returning to school soon or headed off to college for the first time? Did you just get married, build a house, have a baby, or start a new job? All of these things are common occurrences but can have a significant impact on our day-to-day lives. Some changes occur in our lives by choice, and we are given time to prepare, while some are imposed on us with minimal warning or control over the process. Regardless of the type of [...]

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