Are you constantly checking your phone? Do you feel anxious when you’re away from any of your devices? If so, you’re not alone. More than half of U.S. adults admit they are addicted to theirs!

In a hyper-connected culture, it’s easy to feel tethered (maybe even shackled) to our devices. Many of us have developed an unhealthy relationship with technology, and it’s impacting our mental health and overall well-being. But how can you regain control and find a healthier balance? 

Untie yourself from technology and rediscover life beyond the screen with these five practical tips:

  1. Set Digital Boundaries Establish specific tech-free times and zones in your home. For example, make the dinner table a no-phone zone or set a “devices off” time an hour before bed. You’ll create space for real-world connections and better sleep hygiene.
  2. Practice Mindfulness Before reaching for your device, pause and ask yourself, “Do I really need to use this right now?” Instead, try to accomplish one productive thing around your home or at work. 
  3. Rediscover Offline Hobbies What if you didn’t have access to a smartphone – what would you do? How about reading a physical book, gardening, going on a picnic, or playing a musical instrument? You can also simply meet a friend for coffee and chat. Spending time on your own quietly also works!
  4. Use Tech to Limit Tech Ironically, your devices can help you use them less. Many of them offer built-in screen time tracking tools and app limits. You can also set reminders to take breaks and use apps designed to boost productivity by limiting distractions.
  5. Schedule Regular Digital Detoxes If you’re still unsure, you can decrease device use, start small. Put away your smartphone or tablet for one hour in the morning or the evening. Work your way up by adding time each day and on the weekend. You might be surprised at how refreshing it feels to unplug.

Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate technology from your life entirely. Digital devices – whether we like them or not – are an integral part of our lives. Strive for a healthy online/offline balance that’s right for you.

Not sure you can maintain a healthy balance and want to know why? We understand and can help. Reach out today.

a woman, man and two children sitting on the grass in a park taking part in a picnic.