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Take control of your health and wellness

By Kim Lake August is National Wellness Month! We encourage all types of wellness – so I was asked to share some of my story.  I am 50 years old, and for about 15 years, I have been on a quest to feel better and be healthier. It started with just wanting to eat better and exercise to control my weight, help my mood, and increase my energy. At that time, I was working in healthcare in a fairly physical job. To others, I seemed like I was doing well, but on the inside, I was hurting. I was [...]

5 simple strategies to sharpen your assertive communication skills

By Coby Cushenberry, LMFT Because we live in a society, we will all inevitably find ourselves at odds with someone. Whether that be a spouse, friend, coworker, or boss, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial to ensuring our needs are met.  You may find communication challenging and uncomfortable, and sometimes your attempts to discuss your needs might even end in disaster.  To help improve your communication skills, we offer this introduction to assertive communication -- finding ways to communicate that benefit all parties.  When you use assertive communication, you respect the needs, boundaries, and autonomy of others while [...]

Change your perspective and improve your mental health wellness

By Lea Aunins, LMSW Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could experience every encounter in our lives as positive? This may seem impossible, but I believe we can significantly change our experiences by changing our focus.  I recently ended one of my workdays feeling exhausted and frustrated with several of the encounters I had had that day. As I was recounting the events of the day to my family that evening, I realized that the challenges of my day hadn’t been any different from other days, but rather my perspective had changed due to some temporary life stressors and [...]

5 tips to better cope with your anxiety

By Tori Drake  There is often a sigh of relief as we move out of the winter months into the spring and summer. However, experiencing anxiety can put a damper on the lengthening days and family fun. To help you with this transition, take a look at five ways you can help manage anxiety in your everyday life.  Expand your support circle. Isolating yourself when you don’t feel mentally well can be tempting. But when you get in touch with others, you will lessen any obsessing and prevent getting stuck in a thought spiral. Visit a friend or family [...]

How you can practice self-compassion

By Stacey Winter, LCMFT, empac CEO There is a story that all too often plays in your head. It plays over and over, causing you to be down, distracted, and stressed.  “I should have spoken up in that meeting.”   “I should have called her when her mom died.”   “Why did I lose my temper with my kids and husband tonight?”  “I didn’t get the report done on time, and my boss is already irritated. I probably just got myself fired. I can’t do anything right.” It may be embarrassing to admit the things we say to ourselves and say [...]

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